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Community Speedwatch

Community Speed Watch

Community Speed Watch aims:


  • To help local people address speeding problems in their own area

  • Increase driver and public awareness of the dangers of speeding

  • Improve community safety

  • Community Speed Watch schemes are made up of trained volunteers from the community.

    Speed Watch teams use hand held radar equipment at pre-identified locations to check vehicle speeds. Registration numbers and makes of vehicles exceeding the local speed limit are recorded. These details are passed to Staffordshire Police, where they are then processed, and letters are issued.

    Drivers found to be speeding are issued with a warning letter requesting that they slow down and observe the speed limit. If the same vehicle is caught again by any Community Speed Watch team, a follow-up final letter is issued.

    If it is identified that the vehicle has been caught speeding through any Speed Watch for the third time within 12 months, the background of the vehicle will be checked and information will be passed to the appropriate local policing team who will organise for the keeper to be visited and warned.

    Areas where speeding issues remain may also be targeted for enforcement activity.

    There are currently over 50 active schemes across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent and numerous new schemes in the pipeline.

    If you’d like to know if there is a scheme in your area or would like to volunteer please call 01785 232702 or email csw@staffordshire.pnn.police.uk

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    Message Sent By
    Jane Lawlor
    (Staffordshire Police, PCSO, Stoke South)

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