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Keeping your Caravan safe

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The Police
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Keeping your Caravan safe


Its that time of year again with the summer at last in full flow. Caravan ownership has flourished since covid and as a result so has the theft of caravans across the country. I have included below some of the safety measures you can take to enhance the security of your caravan.


Top Tips for Caravan Security:

Register it

Subscribe to one of our approved caravan and motorhome registration and identification schemes. Unique and clear identification markings on your van are not only an effective deterrent, but they can greatly assist with recovery and provide the police with vital information about your caravan.

Install a Tracking System

Installing an alarm makes any theft more difficult and your caravan less attractive. Fit a Secured by Design (SBD) approved tracking device so the caravan can be traced if stolen. SBD have several members which specialise in this area and can advise on the best system and fitting of the product for your caravan or motorhome.

Physical security

Try and make your vehicle unattractive to steal, if the thief has to spend more time breaking the security products he could move on to an easier target. Consider fitting a combination of several products such as a hitch lock anti-theft device, wheel clamps, pedal locks, locking wheel nuts and steering wheel locks. SBD approved ground anchors with a high attack rating is another option to be considered. You may also want to fit a breathable cover, these can be customised to help identification.

Lock all windows and doors

It takes minutes for a thief to search through a caravan and their job is made simpler if they can get in easily. Lock the roof lights, gas compartment and any external lockers, as these can sometimes provide access to the habitation area. Do not leave the spare keys for the caravan, car or any other security locks inside. Also, consider closing the blinds and curtains, potential thieves may hesitate if they think someone is sleeping inside.

Restrict access

If your caravan is parked on the driveway, consider closing any gates at night or when you are not using your vehicle. If you don’t have gates, a vehicle bollard will provide an extra visible deterrent. When parked at home you can fit a breathable caravan cover, these can sometimes be customised to help identification.

Record details

Keep a record of serial numbers, chassis and model numbers and take note of any custom marks on the caravan or trailer. Take colour photographs from several angles and additionally take videos with a smartphone if possible, including roof markings. If stolen, being able to track and identify your caravan or trailer is vital.

Security marking

Security marking your caravan using an SBD recognised forensic asset marking is another highly effective, visible deterrent to thieves and an established method of reducing theft.

Personal items

Never leave personal or valuable items in your caravan and do not leave any documents in relation to the caravan inside as this could at a later date help a thief sell it on.

Secure your number plates

Fit theft-resistant number plate fittings. Stolen number plates are commonly used to hide the identity of stolen vehicles. Use one-way clutch head screws to secure number plates.


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Message Sent By
Jonathan Staples
(Staffordshire Police, PCSO, Staffordshire Moorlands)

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