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How Protecting your garden makes your home safer

It may not seem obvious, but protecting your garden and outbuildings like sheds not only keeps bikes and other valuables safe, but can also stop burglars accessing tools to get into your home.

House diagram showing where planting and fences can help protect your house

  • Low front boundary; keep hedges and walls at the front of your house low (under one metre) so burglars have nowhere to hide.
  • Secure side gate; keep side gates locked at all times. Open gates mean burglars can easily access your home without being seen by passers-by or neighbours.
  • High side and rear boundaries with trellis and spiky defensive planting; keep hedges, walls and fences around your back garden high (over 1.8 metres). Add lightweight trellis to gates and fences and plant some prickly plants to make it harder for burglars to climb over.
  • Gravel driveway and path; gravel driveways and paths make it harder for burglars to go undetected.
  • Security light; install an outside security light so that intruders can’t approach without being seen.
  • Intruder alarm system; install a burglar alarm system.
  • Secure your shed; always keep your shed locked and secured, and make sure it is anchored down to prevent it from being lifted in order to gain access. Often sheds contain valuables such as power tools and bicycles.
  • Never leave tools lying around; never leave tools lying around as they can be used as a way of breaking into your home.
  • Stay secure in summer


    Leaving ground floor windows, doors and patio doors open in the summer can give burglars the perfect opportunity.  If you’re upstairs or out of the room, even just for a few minutes, close them and help shut burglars out.


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    Message Sent By
    Thomas Passmore
    (Staffordshire Police, PCSO, Lichfield)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials